Sunday, February 04, 2007

Kilwatt update

Got the electric bill and surprisingly it was down from last month.
This month it was 1018, compared to the 1080 of last month. I'm still working on trying to get it even lower, or at leat lowering it each month instead of seeing it go up again. It was an improvement at least.
I read somewhere that having an ariconditioner on in the summer really is not so good for your body. The body needs to sweat etc to function properly. With airconditioning, our bodies don't have to work at all. I would like to try to use the air much less this coming summer. Hoping my husband will agree. We have 2 window airconditioners for our house, and I don't like that sometimes they are running all the time.
What an odd subject to be talking about on this day. It's about -7 with a 30 degree windchill outside and I have been COLD for two days.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Nice work in getting the KWH down! I've heard the same thing about the AC.

Anyway ... just wanted to let you know that you've been tagged, so flash your fridge!