Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A dental appt gone wrong and other things

Last Wednesday I had some dental work done. No big deal. The last three of my silver fillings were replaced.

My mouth was still numb so I couldn't really tell if my bite was off. But after the stuff wore off, I could tell my bite was off.

So, I called to see a dentist and I got in on Friday. It wasn't my own dentist. I should have listened to my inner voice and just waited for my own dentist to be available.

I sat in the chair for Forty-five minutes. Yes, you read that correctly, FORTY-FIVE minutes while this dentist that wasn't my own tried to fix my bite. It's not that hard to do it, really. She finally gave up and said I would have to come back and see my own dentist because maybe he knew something about my bite!!

I was practically crying when she said that. HELLO--aren't YOU a dentist that should be able to figure this out??? I was beyond frustrated and she actually made my bite WORSE with all her work.

SO today I went to my OWN dentist in the practice and he actually spent about 10 minutes fixing my bite. Now maybe my jaw won't hurt so much.

My mom is home now. She went home Saturday. I did a bunch of grocery shopping for her and cleaned her house. She went to the doctor today and she can drive now!! I am almost shocked at how well THIS knee rehab has gone too!! And she is relatively pain free! GO MOM!!

My boy was sick from Friday afternoon til Monday. Same bug his daddy had that I have managed to dodge--thankfully.

Other than going to see my mom Saturday I haven't been out of the house til today. My boy even missed school yesterday and we didn't go to Bible study this morning.

I am having Thanksgiving here just for my small family and my Mother in Law. It will be like fixing a regular meal for me with a few extras. MIL is bring pie.

That's all for today. Hope all is well with you and your families and I hope you enjoy Thanksgiving this year!!

1 comment:

bp said...

How frustrating! That is crazy she worked on it that long. I'm glad your dentist got it fixed though. It is wonderful to read the update on your Mom!

Happy Thanksgiving!