Saturday, May 17, 2008

Getting out of Debt

We have decided that we are going to be debt free.

We've been listening to and reading Dave Ramsey and he makes a lot of sense.

Early in our marriage we didn't have much debt. A car payment and mortgage and the occasional credit card debt. We would pay the credit card off each month.

Then my husbands salary increased. We got spoiled. We bought what we wanted when we wanted and it didn't matter if we used the credit card and didn't pay it off. After all, there was always the bonus. We could use the bonus to pay off our debt.

Well, after a few years of that mindset, we find ourselves with more debt than we really want.

There are things we want, things we need to do for the house and we don't want to add more debt to the situation.

So, in the last month or so, we have quit eating out, we have quit the free spending and we've come up with a plan to eradicate our debt in a timely fashion.

We are both excited about this plan too. We are in total agreement with the plan too.

We have completed several steps of Dave Ramsey's plan and are excited to see how this unfolds and how quickly we will be debt free, including mortgage!!

I feel very thankful that my husband makes a good salary. We never should have gotten into this situation to begin with but we did. Now it's time to buckle down and get the debt paid off!!

Here is Dave Ramsey's site.

Dave Ramsey
Proverbs 22:7 (but the whole chapter is good!!

7 The rich rules over the poor,
And the borrower is servant to the lender.


bp said...

Have you read Total Money Makeover? We are following that plan to! I really like having the cash out and dividing it out at the beginning of the pay period so I know how much money I have for each area.

Pamela said...

We are in the process of reading it now!!