Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Wii Fit

I love it!!

It tells me I am overweight, which I already knew.

But it also gives my WiiFit age as TWO years younger than my real age! I was surprised with that.

So, it's one week into the new year and I have exercised 6 out of 7 days. The first 4 days were the Elliptical, these last two have been WiiFit.

I have done step aerobics, which I am just so-so at because I have no coordination with it but am getting better.

My balance seems to be good though and my posture. That shocks me about the posture.

I have done Yoga--which is a first for me! I like it and hope to improve with that.

I have done some strength training as well, but it's the balance thing again.

I also ran for 3 minutes!! I hope I get to running better too.

The WiiFit keeps track of how long you exercise, what days on the calendar and it measures BMI.

It's early in the year, and it's something new but I think this is something I will enjoy doing on a daily basis!!

1 comment:

bp said...

That is great to hear! I have really wondered about the Wii fit and if it is worth it. I need to research more about it and what comes with it, etc. Have you heard of this website? I saw it on a blog today: