Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Firefly Ballet.....

Or lightening bugs as I used to call them when I was young.

I hadn't seen lightening bugs for years until a few years ago.

I was looking outside one summer night and lo and behold there were fireflies out in the yard dancing their ballet!!

What a surprise!! I told my husband about them but he wasn't as excited as I was.

When I was young, we would go to my Grandma's house for family reunions. She lived in a tiny house on a big lot and one memory was taking a jar and catching fireflies with my cousins.

It is a fond memory and it brings back pleasant memories of family get togethers.

So the other night I looked outside, hoping to see fireflies, and I did!!


bp said...

It's been a long time since I've seen any.

VivC said...

We have tons of fireflies here, but I'm too slow to catch them these days!