Wednesday, August 27, 2008

100 things

This is a list of 100 things about me.

I got the idea from another blog.

1 I love to read
2 I have brown hair
3 and brown eyes
4 my feet are big
5 I have two children
6 one of each gender
7 they are almost 20 years apart in age
8 I love to crochet
9 and needlepoint
10 I am 5 feet 8 inches tall
11 I have been to Israel
12 and swimming in the Dead Sea
13 I love to sing
14 can't carry a tune
15 or read a note of music
16 I used to have chickens
17 I miss fresh eggs
18 I became a born again Christian in 1996
19 I have been pregnant 6 times
20 in every decade since the 1970's
21 I have 4 brothers
22 I am the youngest of 5
23 and the only girl
24 I was in the Army
25 I am an introvert
26 and very loyal
27 I am older than my husband
28 I like cats
29 but I only have dogs now
30 I am always on time or early
31 I am organized
32 Would love to learn how to play guitar
33 Love birdwatching
34 especially hummingbirds
35 I don't like liver
36 I don't drink
37 or smoke
38 I sent a card into Post Secret
39 and it was published
40 I had my daughter on my birthday
41 she was 6 weeks early
42 my son was born on my grandpa's birthday
43 I don't like to speak in public
44 I am an organ donor
45 I crashed a friends car before I got my license
46 zoo animals make me sad all caged up
47 I went to an Eric Clapton concert all by myself
48 I attended the first ever concert at the Metrodome in Mpls. It was Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and The Grateful Dead. We had front row seats
49 I am right handed
50 I love crossword puzzles
51 I like Dr. Pepper
52 I am not a shopper and never have been
53 I am a modest dresser
54 and never wear sleeveless
55 I met my husband in a bar
56 we were taking dance lessons there
57 I can keep a secret forever
58 I miss my dad
59 and my aunt
60 and my very special grandma
61 I was the only niece to my aunt
62 I miss my dog Otis
63 I have three animals buried in my yard
64 two dogs
65 and a cat
66 I have always wanted a bay window
67 I am getting one with a bench
68 I almost got a tatoo when I was 19
69 I left home at 17
70 I dropped out of high school in my senior year
71 I got my GED a few months later
72 and a high school diploma when I was 30 through night school
73 I had an appendectomy when I was 30
74 I like to cook
75 and clean
76 I need to lose 30 pounds
77 I have tried several illegal drugs and didn't care for any of them
78 I have two Japanese sister in laws
79 and a black sister in law
80 and a blond sister in law
81 My one brother is a Muslim
82 I don't like beach type vacations
83 I burn instead of tanning
84 I have two holes in one ear and one in another
85 a friend did the second hole and it hurt
86 I never wear earrings
87 I am old fashioned
88 I can dance well with my husband
89 I enjoy dancing
90 I am very practical
91 I love tacos
92 and pizza
93 I talk to my mom everyday
94 I love being married
95 I need a will
96 I am a good listener
97 I like sunflower seeds
98 I do like to shop for shoes
99 and yarn
100 I like being a stay at home mom

Matthew 5:39
39 But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.

Romans 8:26-27
26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

1 comment:

bp said...

I've seen these but haven't tried to do one. I learned a lot! That's interesting about the post secret!