Friday, April 03, 2009

Vitamin dilemma............

I just have not been able to get my little guy to take a multi vitamin at all. I was actually a bit frustrated with the whole situation that I just quit trying.

Until today. The little guy had a doctor appointment yesterday and I asked about it. the nurse told me to try Gummi Vitamins.

Yeah, I know they may not be the best choice according to some dentists, but you know what, HE ATE THEM!!! And didn't say "yuck" and want to spit them out.

So I will take my chances on rotten teeth so he can have a vitamin!!

I would highly recommend these for children who will just not take a regular chewable vitamin. There are several brands at the stores so just try one and see if it works!!


Dara said...

That is the only kind my kids will take, as well. I always make them brush after. Thank goodness they like that!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about what the dentist says. You have to do what's best for your little (BIG) guy.

And, yay for taking vitamins!!!