Sunday, September 13, 2009

A birth and a death

September 11th is a significant day for many many reasons. I have a friend who has a birthday on this day.

Another friend gave birth to her third child just this year on this day. A beautiful baby girl!! Named Hannah.

Another woman I know died on this day this year. I originally wrote about her HERE.

She didn't even make it a year. It is so very sad. Her name is Vaike and she leaves behind a devoted husband and two very young children. The children are just four and barely two years old. A boy and a girl.

Vaike had colon cancer that everyone thought was caught in time. Sadly it was not. Vaike went through lots of treatments throughout the almost year she was diagnosed. She didn't even make it a year. She and her family were at least hoping for the 5 year plan.

There are a lot of people that are saddened by her passing.

She is a woman that won't be forgotten by many.

Please pray for peace and comfort for her family. They will need it to get through the next few days, months and years.

Psalm 103:8, King James Version

The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

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