Not really though. My daughter was over this morning and I told her that some women were accusing me of buying blankets and giving them away instead of making them myself. She was shocked that people would think that.
Really, why would I buy over 100 baby blankets to give away??
Is that totally ridiculous or what??
Could it be that I enjoy crocheting and giving blankets as gifts? For doing that I was called a freak and attention seeker. Some of these women I had even met in real life AND they were women that received blankets for their children!! It's just stunning to me the degree of hate some people can have.
All I can do is pray for them, and I do!!
I don't do much but I love to crochet. It's just that simple!
GASP! You mean, you actually, dare I say it, MADE all those blankets! The horror!
Some people have nothing better to do than to complain or make up stupid garbage about others. Let's pray they find a new hobby.
I agree, some people seem to have nothing better to do with their time. I think you have a great hobby and I love how you share your talent with others.
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