Monday, January 28, 2008

Well said.

My friend recently posted this and I am posting it with her permission since she said so perfectly how I feel too. She is not only my online friend but a friend I met in real life. I know these are HER words, but these words sum up my feelings perfectly. This is the perfect post to the feelings of many, I believe.

"I went through the addresses of people I'd met online. I realized how many people were my friends. How many weren't. How many were there for a season and nothing more. And, of course, I was sad.
I realized, again, how many people gave me support and kind words to help me through my journey in life. I realized, again, how much of it was lies. Some of those people I'd have done anything for. And, I just can't get past how it all fell apart like a house of cards.
Since my favorite online "home" fell apart, I'm still feeling lost. I still haven't found something to replace it. All those personalities (good and bad) went in many separate directions. Everyone had their part to play, again--good and bad. Everyone was a part of that "home."
Someone said that online life isn't *real* life. But that person is wrong. Just as in *real* life, there are liars, cheaters, good people, bad people, evil people...the same is true about internet life. There are people to whom you bond and with whom you form friendships. There are people you can't stand. There are people who are quiet and whom I never really got to know until it was all ending and then I realized what I missed or didn't miss when I had the opportunity to chat more.
My heart is still broken over the splits. There are people I'd love to reach out to but it seems as though sides have been chosen and I'm on the opposing team. These are people I'll probably never get the chance to speak with again and while I want to be OK with that, it still hurts. I want to clear the air with them but I'm on the opposing team. I'm the enemy by default.
There are people who swayed me one way or another and now I'm realizing we were all wrong. There are people who were lied to and now hate all the people who *should* be trusted. And some of these people on all sides were right/wrong/indifferent and for many reasons. It's like reading a novel about secret agents where it ends in a way you can't expect because surely, the good guys are the good guys and the bad guys are the bad guys.
And, as I erased the names from my computer that I really don't need to speak to again, I still felt a twinge. Because I can remember when that person reached out during a crisis and helped me get through it. But they were just double agents playing both sides of the fence to keep that drama-free facade in place."

1 comment:

Adrianne said...

Double agents? Does that mean that we all have to choose sides? At this point I don't even know what the "sides" are. I have friends on both "sides" I guess.

I guess I just hope nobody is writing me off because of who I talk to or don't talk to.

But then I guess that would be their loss...