I have a lot of time to think while I am exercising, in between listening to my music. My bear sits up in the extra bedroom where my treadmill and elliptical are. I was thinking about my bear today and thought I would share the story of Teddy.
In late March of 2006, we were shocked, and very excited to find out I was pregnant again. That meant a sibling closer in age to our son than our daughter is. We were excited! I called the doctor and got a bunch of test and sure enough it confirmed I was pregnant. An ultrasound was scheduled for several weeks later.
Before the ultrasound appointment, we went to a store called Build a Bear. We chose a Border Collie dog for our son and for the new baby we chose the above bear. It is so soft and cuddly and that's why I chose him. So both animals were boxed up in their cardboard homes in preparation for the baby and the boy playing with his.
The night before the ultrasound I just had an uneasy feeling, a feeling of dread actually. My husband and son were both coming to the appointment to see the baby.
We got there and the tech started the Ultrasound, but didn't say a word for several minutes, which I knew was a bit unusual. So I asked her what the heartbeat was--she said she hadn't calculated that yet. Ok, so I asked her about gestational age. She hadn't measured that yet she said.
At that point, I knew. I knew in my heart that this much treasured child was never to be. I started crying. She finally told me she hadn't seen a heartbeat but tried to tell me it might be too early to see a heartbeat. I knew differently though. Our dreams of another child were dashed in an instant. She left the room and came back with the radiologist and he had a look. The results were the same.
We went over to the clinic for my appointment. I cried some more. My doctor was great and so was the nurse. I left that day heartbroken and just waited to miscarry my baby.
It happened at home several weeks later.
So, I occasionally take Teddy out of his box and hold him. And just think about what should have been, and cry. Maybe one day I will be able to look at Teddy and not cry.
I know that wherever I live, Teddy will always be with me in his cardboard home. He'll be there for me to hold and squeeze and remember what could have been.
Thanks for sharing about your special bear. I bought a little stuffed bear also on my angel baby's due date.
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